Saturday, March 19, 2011

PAW 11

Super Moon

Tonight was a “super moon” so it seemed natural to get a shot of it for Picture of the Week.  This was taken with my 7D, 100-400mm zoom, 1.4X teleconverter and cropped.  Tripod mounted, of course and shot at ISO 400, f8 and 1/100 second.  This crop is about 1/4 the captured scene.  This is the second shot I took and, although I persisted with several variations, the one I liked best.  The moon really was a bit golden early on and became increasingly white.  This is my second attempt at photographing the moon, the first one was an eclipse.

1 comment:

David Bump said...

I love the warm white balance. In my area, it was quite cool looking, and I didn't even think to tweak WB.