Sunday, March 7, 2010

More 7D DOF


I'm still often surprised by the limited depth of field from the 7D and similar sized sensors.  Sometimes the limited DOF is just what is wanted but other times more is needed.  It is those "other" times that I'm likely to forget to go to a higher numbered f-stop.

The above shot was taken today at f8.  Giving myself at least a little bit of credit, I purposely selected f8 as likely to give both foreground and background blur in the scene.  The point of focus was the first group of birds on the pier at a distance of about fifty feet or so.  I used the single point focus and recomposed -- probably focusing a bit short of the first bird.  According to the DOF calculations, the near focus should be about 38 feet and the far focus about 73 feet.  I didn't take any measurements but these distances are probably representative of the scene.

In this web sized view, the DOF is not so apparent but, believe me, it shows on a full size display.

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