Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Isaac: Tuesday

Isaac - tree bracedTropical Storm Isaac was just upgraded to Hurricane Isaac but, fortunately, no effects noted in Baton Rouge – yet.  There is a nice breeze and sky is cloudy but no rainfall – yet.  Many businesses are closed today as people prepare for Isaac’s arrival.

As part of my own preparation, I braced a small oak tree that we planted eight years ago.  In the first four years, that tree was blown down four times.  I came to call it the “pitiful oak” and expected it to die every time we straightened it.  For some strange reason though, Hurricane Gustav apparently fixed my pitiful oak and now it is flourishing.  Even so, I tied it off in five places.  If it blows over in Isaac, I don’t think we could straighten it.

Otherwise, we’ve done the usual preparations:  gasoline for the cars and generator (lines already forming), batteries, water, extra food, etc.  Of course, part of my preparation is to recharge all camera and flash batteries.

Evening Update

Really nothing to report.  A light rain began in the late afternoon and the wind has picked up a bit.  Here’s hoping that this is a boring storm.

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