Well, more like 3.7 frames per second.

I continue to learn and be amazed at the capabilities of the Canon G9. Although there apparently is no reference in the operating manual, it turns out that if the G9 is set for continuous shooting and also placed in the special low light “scene” mode (ISO3200 under the SCN setting) then the shooting speed is about 3.7 shots per second. Amazing.
True, few adjustments are available while in the SCN, ISO3200 mode. At ISO3200, the image will be noisy. Also, the image will be a 1600 x 1200 pixel JPEG. But it is fast – both ISO and shooting speed.
Without verification or knowledge of the details, I’ve always assumed that the SCN ISO3200 mode of the G9 was obtained by “pixel binning”. Loosely speaking, adjacent pixels are combined in-camera to make pseudo-larger pixels that collect more light at the expense of decreased resolution. (Pixel binning is not the same process as simply down sizing an image.) How all this could be done at increased shooting speeds is beyond me.
Similar to my crude shutter lag tests, I simply took pictures of the monitor while displaying the Xnote Timer with the G9 set for SCN ISO3200 and continuous shooting.
(My thanks and credit to “Piet” who pointed out this undocumented feature on the Canon G Series discussion forum at Photography on the Net .)
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